In terms of quote on quote “day jobs,” working with my youth group has been one of the most challenging and fulfilling things I’ve done in my entire life. I’ve only been on staff at my church since last May, but the amount of growing I’ve been doing has been humbling to experience. This past week we took 14 of our Juniors and Seniors to the Outer Banks in Nags Head to talk about what it means to be a leader within our community, and we got to hang out at the beach of course. We made meals together, watched the sunrise, climbed the sand dunes at Jockey’s Ridge, got Duck Donuts from the real Duck Donuts, learned how to sneakily play One Night Ultimate Werewolf, and talked about Jesus working in our lives. I am so so thankful for how they’ve influenced my life. So here are some introductions!
Hooray for random Sonic runs and silliness and beach 🙂
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