This past weekend, I flew down south to visit my roommate in Orlando. It’s a strange thing, once you’ve slept 3 feet away from a person for 3 years , these things are just necessary. This morning when my coworkers asked me how my trip was, I told them it was good. But not in a “on a scale from horrible to spectacular good is smack dap in the middle” sort of way. Good in the sense that it had a lot of goodness- almost like when God claimed that His creation was good- free from brokenness, darkness, or worry. Since graduating in May, it’s been a crazy two months of reordering my way of life. But for a weekend, we enjoyed each other’s company, got crazy lucky with free tickets and fast passes to Disney, went to the beach, went to the movie theater TWICE (a luxury for college life), and ate really awesome Mexican food. Our 4th of July celebrations were a unique mix of melting in the heat at Clearwater beach, sharing Japanese food for dinner, catching fireworks in downtown Orlando, and relating way too much to Inside Out. But in all of those things, it was good. Rest is sweet, friendship is sweet. I’m thankful.
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