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I'm Klaire, and I'm so honored you're here.
Let's create beautiful memories.
 Based in Washington, DC






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Three days into 2017, we’re heading into this new year with thankful, yet eager hearts. 2016 was a year of a LOT of change, growth, and readjusting. In case you’re new here, here’s all the things that happened this past year:

  1. Started and quit a part time job at Customink
  2. Went on a leadership retreat in the OBX with some pretty cool youths (see here)
  3. Got engaged to Shadi! (See here)
  4. Planned a wedding (see here)
  5. Took our youths to camp
  6. Got to shoot my weddings through the summer with my first intern! (see here)
  7. Traveled through Seattle, Cincinnati, Maui, and Charleston
  8. Ended my time on staff for our youth group (see here)
  9. Got married to Shadi! (See here)
  10. Moved out of my families house for the last time!


Just reading that list makes my brain spin. Although this year has been ever changing, we are so thankful for all of the ways the Lord has answered questions, confirmed decisions, and led us into a new way of life with minimal conflict.

As we think on all of the ways we’d like to move forward, here are our 2017 goals:

  1. Roots – When I reflected on 2016, I overwhelmingly felt a sense of “uprootedness.” That feeling came about mostly situationally, but I also realized how little I prayed over things. Most things felt out of my control, and my reaction was to try to concoct solutions on my own.  I can feel it in my bones that 2017 will be different. I want to be rooted in a couple of different ways: rooted in a new church community, rooted in our friendships that stand the test of time and space, and rooted in our marriage. Practically, that can come about in a couple of different ways: Going to a church small group every week, intentionally making at least one coffee date a week, and having weekly “Marriage Mondays.” (See what I mean on my friend Rachel’s post here!)
  2. Structure – In 2016, I severely lacked structure, mostly out of laziness or balancing too many things at once. We hope that 2017 brings structure that allows us to be more productive, but also structure that allows us to have room to breathe and rest. For me, that involves strict working hours, and creating an ideal schedule for each week (with rest scheduled in!)
  3. Community – While wanting to feel rooted and grounded, investing in community seems like the best way to do that. Shadi and I want to feel rooted socially in our personal lives, but I also want to pursue a greater sense of community with other creative entrepreneurs! My hope is to attend one networking event every month, have a coffee date with a new friend every other week, attend an educational AND a social conference once a year, and have one coaching session this year. Few! Hope to see a ton of new faces 🙂
  4. Consistency – This winter, we have been working on a lot of projects that will make this year much easier and simpler. Our hope is that we can serve our couples out of a place of rest more so than ever. My biggest goal is to get done with all of our extra projects before the end of February! One of which includes a 75 page Wedding Magazine!
  5. Faith – Just yesterday, I told Shadi, “I would open a print shop if I could remove my fear of failure.” I didn’t realize the reality of how paralyzing fear was until I said it out loud. This year, we hope to make our decisions prayerfully, and then move forward without abandon.

Our theme verse for the year:

“Yes Lord, walking in the way of your truth, we wait eagerly for you, for your name and renown are the desire of our souls.” Isaiah 26:8

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a few favorites from

An iconic DC wedding with lush florals at the Ritz Carlton.


Fall Georgetown Ritz Carlton Wedding 

A date night Engagement Session at Le Diplomate and the Capitol Building in Washington, DC


Le Diplomate Engagement Session

A cozy home session for Charlotte's newborn photos.


Charlotte's Newborn Album

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Creating family heirlooms for generations.

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